Some signs that indicate a patient needs a root canal:
1) Pain when chewing or applying pressure
2) Pain to hot and cold temperatures
3) Darkening or discoloration of teeth
4) Tenderness or swelling on surrounding gums
5) A persistent recurring pimple/gum boil that may present with pain
6) Waking up with pain a consistent pain at night
Does the procedure of having a root canal hurt?
While root canals have a reputation of being painful, patients say that having a root canal is no different than having a normal dental filling. Often times, the discomfort and is experienced prior to the dental appointment as a result of the existing dental infection.
What is the purpose of having a root canal?
Root canals are important because they eliminate long standing infections while also getting the patient out of pain. The ultimate purpose of a root canal is to preserve the remaining tooth and root and prevent having to have a tooth extracted and replaced with a dental implant or bridge. This procedure can be performed in one appointment, but sometimes requires multiple appointments to effectively eliminate the source of the infection.
For more information, please call (239) 732-9000.
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